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The 44th Glasgow Company
The Boys' Brigade

The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is affiliated to Cardonald Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland

About "The 44"

The 44th Glasgow Company of The Boys' Brigade is one of the largest BB Companies in Glasgow.

We meet weekly in Cardonald Parish Church and in our own hall - Jubilee House:

Anchor Boys (P1-P3)

Thursdays - Jubilee House

6.30 - 7.45pm

Junior Section (P4-P6)

Fridays - Cardonald Parish Church

6.10 - 7.30pm

Company Section (P7-S2)

Fridays - Cardonald Parish Church


Seniors (S3-S6)

Fridays - Jubilee House


Activities are also run on week nights at Jubilee House.


We are always looking for new members at all age groups!


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1 January 2022

Happy New Year!

Happy and healthy New Year wishes to all the Boys, parents and friends of the 44!

Hopefully, we will be able to meet regularly throughout 2022!

Our Anchor Boys, Junior, Compay and Senior Sections are meeting back as follows;:

Junior Section (P4-P6)

Friday 7th January - Cardonald Parish Church

6.10 - 7.30pm

Company Section (P7-S2)

Friday 7th January - Cardonald Parish Church


Seniors (S3-S6)

Friday 7th January - Church then Jubilee House


Anchor Boys (P1-P3)

Thursday 13th January - Jubilee House

6.30 - 7.45pm

New Members are always welcome!

If you have any questions send us a message and we will get back to you.

4 September 2021

New Look Website

Not only are we are back, we are also pleased to launch our new-look Website!

The fresh new website is easier to navigate, with clearer graphics, 'Latest News' section and new Event Calendar so that you can see at a glance what's on!


The website is launched today but we will be continuing to develop the website and add more content over the next few weeks!

Have a look around our new website and let us know what you think of it!

Latest News

Age Groups

The 44th Glasgow run four sections to allow Boys to enjoy the activities within their own age groups


Primary 1 -3​


Primary 7 - Secondary 2


Primary 4-6


Secondary 3-6

Events Calendar
All Age Groups

Age Groups
Events Calendar

History of "The 44"

Key Dates & Info


The Company was founded in 1901 and was originally numbered the 1st Cardonald Company.


The first meeting place was at 'The Halfway'.

We then took the name of the "44th Glasgow" and moved to Cardonald Parish Church Halls.


Jubilee House was built by the then Captain of the Company, Dr J B Forsyth, to celebrate the Company's Jubilee year.

One Hundred Years of the 44th


An account of the history of the Company was published to celebrate 100 years of the 44th.  The book is available from all officers or by e-mailing your order and is priced at £7.50.

Past Captains


1901-03 R Smith

1903-13 D Smith

1913-19 W Henry

1919-22 J Mackay

1922-26 J Paterson

1926-28 R Forsyth

1928-33 T Armour

1933-36 A Kennedy

1936-38 A Donnelly

1938-39 Dr JB Forsyth

1939-40 J McGregor

1940-46 R Duncan

1948-55 Dr JB Forsyth

1955-57 J Hutton

1957-60 A Calder

1960-63 W Robb

1963-65 D Keith

1965-76 D Forrest

1976-79 D Keith

1979-93 R Thomson

1993-2011 J McDonald

2011-Present S MacOnie

Company 1901.jpg

44th Glasgow Company
The Boys' Brigade

History of the 44


The Company run several fundraising events throughout the year to  including;

Race Night

In November, we hold a fundraising Race Night for Parents & Friends in Ralston Community Centre.

Quiz Night

In March, we hold a fundraising Quiz Nights for Parents & Friends in Ralston Community Centre.  

Bag Packing

In December, the Boys raise funds for the Company by Bag Packing at local supermarkets.

How else can I support the 44?

Parents & Friends Committee


The Parents & Friends Committee also help organise fundraising events (e.g. Quiz Nights, Ceilidh, etc) to help with the upkeep of Jubilee House.


We can always do with new members - can you possibly help?  

If so, please let any of the Officers know - we'd love to see you!

Donations & Contributions


The Company is always looking for ways of raising funds to keep the cost of Boys' membership as low as possible.  We are always willing to listen to ideas and suggestions as to how we can raise more funds.


If you would like to make a donation or contribution to Company Funds, please speak to any officer or e-mail the the Company Captain, Mr MacOnie.

Fundraising and Donating
Useful Information & Links

Contact Us

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Thank you for contacting the 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade.

You can contact us by completing the form and clicking 'send'.
If you are trying to get in touch with a particular person within the Company, mark it for that person's attention in the subject box and we will do our best to pass it on!!
Alternatively, you can visit us at Cardonald Parish Church any Friday evening!

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© 44th GCBB 2014-2022
​The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is a charitable body.
Registered in Scotland: Registration number SC000376
Website last updated on 4 January 2022
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